Friday 17 April 2009


Hello everyone and welcome to the Dust Blog.

The blog is here to enable all participants in the project to record their thoughts and feelings about the project between rehearsals. We hope it will become a useful record of the process of making this show together.

Please feel free to comment on any part of the project as it develops but here are some ideas to get you started:

1. What were your feelings after the audition? What exercises did you particularly enjoy?
2. What are your expectations about the project?
3. What skills do you hope to develop during this process?
4. Did the session with Russel and Kimberly give you some useful context for the piece?
5. Are you apprehensive about any part of the process?
6. What are you looking forward to?
7. What have you enjoyed so far?

I look forward to reading your comments over the coming weeks

Chris x

1 comment:

  1. > Did the session with Russel and Kimberly
    > give you some useful context for the piece?

    It would be difficult to live in Leeds for 30 years and not hear about "the Armley Asbestos", but listening to them was quite something.
